Key Stretches for Warming Up
Quarterback Weight Lifting
WR, Corner, or Saftey Weight Lifting
RB or TE Weight Lifting
Linebacker and Lineman Weight Lifting
Speed and Agility
Football Programs
Key Stretches for Warming Up
Posterior shoulder stretch:
Grab one arm and pull across
your chest, 3 sets for 10
seconds on both arms
Hip flexor stretch: Have one
leg kneeling and lean
forward to stretch the groin.
2 sets of 5 each side
Side lying thoracic rotation: Lay down like your sitting on a chair facing one
end, then slowly rotate your chest moving one hand to the other side, keep legs
still, 2 sets of 5 each side
Wall Y Slide: Lean against a wall with your arms in a 90 degree angle parallel to
you. Slowly go from position A to B to C, back to A holding for a second at each
one, 2 sets of 5
Pectoral Stretch: Lean against
a door/fence place your arm
against in 90 degree angle.
Lean forward and feel the
stretch. 2 sets of 10 seconds
Deadbug: Lay down with one leg bent up and opposite
arm up. Alternate opposite hand and
leg going up for core stretch. Keep
lower back pushing against ground.
2 sets of 5 each side
Quarterback Weight Training
IYT (full range of motion for functional strength and mobility)
Barbell rows
Single arm incline DB press
Push up plank
Side plank hip dips
Controlled russian twists
V ups
Day 1/4 - Back, Core, Chest
Single Leg MB Slams E
MB rotational throws (generate
rotational explosiveness and power)Internal to external shoulder exercise
(shoulder stability - less injury)Military Press: DB Barbell (light weight -
15 reps)Side external rotator cuff
Shoulder raises front and side (front side
mobility)Overhead shoulder pulls
Day 2/5 - Shoulder and Explosiveness
Barbell back squat (get your form correct: dont
let your knees cave in and get your butt to your
knees or below depth)Single leg squat (develop speed transferring
power)DB explosive step ups
Kettlebell RDL
Cossack Squats
Box Jumps
Day 3/6 - Legs
WR, Corner, Saftey Weight Training
Single arm DB bench
Single arm DB row
Slow Barbell Bench
Tricept pushdown
Shoulder press
Shoulder raises
Day 1 - Upper Body
Single leg stair jumps
Double leg bounds
Power cleans
MB slams
Falling step
Day 2 - Acceleration
Tempo Front squats
Single leg squats
DB lunges
Foot elevated step ups
¼ barbell squat jumps
Incline Goblet Squat
Day 3 - Legs
Kettlebell curls
Heavy farmers carry
Plate flips
Forearm roller
Plate rows
Hammer Curls
Day 4 - Grip Strength
Day 5 - Explosiveness
Hang Cleans
Band rotation pulls
Sled pushes (heavy)
Side MB throw
Lateral and two feet Stair Jumps
Hurdle Hop series
Plate Pushes
RB and TE Weight Training
heavy angled DB bench
heavy barbell bench
Single leg single arm row
Single arm push press
Tricep pushdown
Incline DB row
Day 1 - Upper Body
Band rotation pulls
Sled pushes (heavy)
Side MB throw
15 quick hang cleans
Banded Rotational punches
Pause Mid butt snatch (start in a
low position - teach explosivness)
Day 2 - Explosiveness
Kettlebell curls
Heavy farmers carry
Plate flips
Forearm roller
Plate rows
Hammer Curls
Day 3 - Grip Strength
Day 4/6 - Legs
Tempo Front squats
Single leg squats
DB lunges
Foot elevated step ups
¼ barbell squat jumps
Incline Goblet Squat
Single leg stair jumps
Double leg bounds
Power cleans
MB slams
Falling step
Day 5 - Acceleration
Linebacker or Lineman Weight Training
heavy angled DB bench
heavy barbell bench
Single leg single arm row
Single arm push press
Tricep pushdown
Incline DB row
Day 1/4 - Upper Body
Band rotation pulls
Sled pushes (heavy)
Side MB throw
15 quick hang cleans
Banded Rotational punches
Pause Mid butt snatch (start in
a low position - teach
explosiveness) (tension-faster)
Day 2/5 - Explosiveness
Single leg squat
Cossack DB squat
Pause Barbell Back squat
Side to Side Jumps
DB explosive step ups
Jump lunges
Day 3/6 - Lower Body
Speed and Agility
Side to Side Jumps:
Single leg side to side jumps, both legs, 3 sets of 5
180 Hurdle Hops:
180 jumps over hurdles or anything you can use, 3 sets of 5
Lateral Stair Jumps:
Jumps up the stairs, both sides, 3 sets of 5
Quick Feet to 5 yards:
Move feet as quick and short steps as possible, 3 sets
Lateral jump to Single leg Hop: Single leg jump horizontally and then immediately jump forward, each leg, 3 sets of 5
Sprint: Sprint forward 60ft, work on staying low to ground, 3 sets