1. Key Stretches for Warming Up

  2. Dribbling Drills

  3. Shooting Drills

  4. Basketball Lifting Program

  5. Speed and Agility

Basketball Programs

Key Stretches for Warm Ups

Hamstring stretch:
Lay down and touch
your toes, keeping
your back upright

2 sets of 10 seconds

Hip flexor stretch: Have one
leg kneeling and lean
forward to stretch the groin.
2 sets of 5 each side

Quadriceps stretch: Get in a single kneeling position and pull the back foot
towards you. 2 sets of 10 seconds each side

Side lying thoracic rotation: Lay down like your sitting on a chair facing one
end, then slowly rotate your chest moving one hand to the other side, keep legs
still, 2 sets of 5 each side

Calf stretch: Stand next to a
wall, with your palms flat
against it. Step one foot back
and lean into the wall, keeping
your heel planted on the ground.
2 sets of 15 seconds each leg

Posterior shoulder
stretch: Grab one arm
and pull across your
chest, 3 sets for 10
seconds on both arms

Dribbling Drills

Stationary dribbling:
Practice dribbling the
ball while stationary,
keeping your head up
and maintaining control
with both hands

Figure 8 dribbling: Create
a figure 8 pattern around
your legs with the
basketball, alternating
hands with each loop

Crossover dribbling: Practice crossing the
ball over from one hand to the other while
dribbling. Start slowly and gradually increase
speed as you become more comfortable

Dribble moves combo:
Combine various dribble
moves such as crossovers,
between the legs, behind
the back, and spins into a
fluid sequence. Focus on
smooth transitions

Two-ball dribbling:
Dribble two balls
one in each hand.
Cord and contro

Full-Court dribbling: Dribble the ball
up and down the court focusing on
control and speed, game like
situations and improves endurance.

Cone drill: Dribble through
the cones, focus on control
and begin to increase speed

Shooting Drills

Form Shooting: Start
close to the basket
and focus on proper
shooting form and

Spot Shooting: Choose multiple
spots around the court (baseline,
wings, elbows, top of key) and shoot
from each spot consecutively.
Focus on form and consistency.

Free Throw Shooting: Practice shooting free throws from regular distance,
aim for a high % and focus on consistency in routine, from dribble to release

Around the World: Start from a designated spot and make a shot, then
move on to the next, must make the shot before moving on. Try to get faster

5 Spot Shooting: Position 5
cones or markers around the
3 point line, shoot from each
spot moving to the next only
after making a shot. Track
makes and misses

Shooting Off Dribble:
Practice shooting off the
dribble from various
scenarios, such as pull-up
jumpers, step backs, and
hesitation moves, work on
separation and balance

Basketball Lifting Program

  1. Planks

  2. Dumbbell knee ups

  3. Banded single leg RDL

  4. Plate tornados

  5. Russian twists

  6. Window wipers

Day 1 - Core

  1. ladder drills

  2. Suicides

  3. Sprint intervals

  4. Tennis ball drills

  5. crossover step drill

  6. Cone drills

Day 2 - Agility

  1. Bench press

  2. Explosive push ups

  3. DB military press

  4. Pull ups

  5. Rows

  6. Lateral raises

  7. Tricep dips

Day 3 - Upper body

  1. Box jumps

  2. MB euro step

  3. Depth jumps

  4. Lateral Bounding

  5. Single leg stair jumps

Day 4 - Plyometrics

  1. Squats

  2. Explosive cleans

  3. Kettlebell Banded Lunges

  4. Single leg squats

  5. DB Jump squats

  6. Cossack Squats

Day 5 - Lower body

Speed and Agility

Shuttle runs: Set
up cones in a
straight line. Sprint
from one then back

Agility cone drills: Set up cones in
various patterns such as T drill, L drill,
5 cone drill. Perform cuts, direction
changes, and sprint around cones

Ladder drills: Using speed
ladder or tape, perform
footwork drills such as two
foot hops, in and outs, lateral
shuffles, and quick feet drills

Defenseive Slides:
Start in defensive
stance and shuffle
from one end to
the other

Crossover step drill: Practice explosive
lateral movement by starting in defensive
stance and taking a quick crossover step in one direction, then exploding back to
starting position and repeating on other side

Sprint: Sprint
forward 60ft, work
on staying low to
ground, 3 sets