Key Stretches for Warming Up
Footwork Skills
Soccer Lifting Program
Speed and Agility Program
Soccer Programs
Key Stretches for Warm Ups
Hamstring stretch:
Lay down and touch
your toes, keeping
your back upright
2 sets of 10 seconds
Hip flexor stretch: Have one
leg kneeling and lean
forward to stretch the groin.
2 sets of 5 each side
Side lying thoracic rotation: Lay down like your sitting on a chair facing one
end, then slowly rotate your chest moving one hand to the other side, keep legs
still, 2 sets of 5 each side
Quadriceps stretch: Get in a single kneeling position and pull the back foot
towards you. 2 sets of 10 seconds each side
Calf stretch: Stand next to a
wall, with your palms flat
against it. Step one foot back
and lean into the wall, keeping
your heel planted on the ground.
2 sets of 15 seconds each leg
Piriformus stretch:
Bend one leg in, while laying the other one
back and lean forward. 2 sets of 15
seconds each leg
Footwork Skills
Two Touch Drill: Pass the ball back and fourth with
a partner giving yourself only 2 touches to control
and pass the ball. Back up farther to make it more
difficult. 3 sets of 10 each leg
Cone Dribbling: Set up
cones in either a zip zag
or straight line and
dribble quickly through
them. 3 sets
Figure 8 Dribbling: Dibble the ball in a figure 8 pattern between 2 cones. 3 sets for 1 minute
Quick Turns: Dribble and continue to make quick turns back and fourth. 3 sets of 10 each side
Box Drill: Set cones in a 10ft by 10ft square and dribble inside of it while performing moves. 3 sets for 1 minute
Soccer Lifting Program
Day 1/4 - Legs
Explosive cleans
Kettlebell Banded
LungesSingle leg squats
Single leg deadlifts
Cossack Squats
Day 3 - Upperbody
Bench press
Pull ups
Overhead presses
Lateral raises
Tricep dips
Day 2 - Core
Dumbbell knee ups
Banded single leg RDL
Plate tornados
Russian twists
Cable rotations
Day 5 - Running
Interval running
Speed and Agility
Shuttle runs: Set
up cones in a
straight line. Sprint
from one then back
Agility cone drills: Set up cones in
various patterns such as T drill, L drill,
5 cone drill. Perform cuts, direction
changes, and sprint around cones
Ladder drills: Using speed
ladder or tape, perform
footwork drills such as two
foot hops, in and outs, lateral
shuffles, and quick feet drills
Defenseive Slides:
Start in defensive
stance and shuffle
from one end to
the other
Crossover step drill: Practice explosive
lateral movement by starting in defensive
stance and taking a quick crossover step in one direction, then exploding back to
starting position and repeating on other side
Sprint: Sprint
forward 60ft, work
on staying low to
ground, 3 sets